“While your faith in technology is endearing, it will ultimately be your undoing” Arclight has an old 2600 tshirt with a friendly robot on the back, uttering this stark phrase. When was the last time you looked around you at
Singing CNC mill is fully operational

Now with limit switches! after years of passive work and weeks of rather intense hair-pulling, the machine is now bootstrapped into a functional state. Also, gauging interest for a CNC milling class. CNC class would NOT be for tourists. plan
Moving Heavy Eequipment with Your Mind
This book was written in 1922 by an artillery school, and includes lots of info on hoisting and moving huge, heavy, delicate machinery, like cannons or machine tools or overturned/stuck vehicles. The book covers knots, leverage principles, and some of
Rotary to Linear Motion with Wooden Gears
OBJECTIVE Build a robust, accurate rotary-to-linear motion transfer box within a weekend, without spending any money. PLAN Some projects need an element that moves in a straight line, but this is not always as easy as getting rotary
Homemade UV LASERs
This week we decided to build lasers. Not just any laser, but one that puts out 100KW pulses of Ultraviolet light. Okay, the pulses only last 1-2ns and it’s hard to burn things with it, but it’s still pretty cool.
Venus de Cthulhu
Modified this otherwise unremarkable found-statue: Original post: http://blog.shop.23b.org/2010/11/venus-de-cthulhu.html
Reverse Geocache

A while back, a friend of ours asked if we could build one these for him: Reverse Geocache Puzzle Box Since I like a challenge, I went for it. I ended up using the EM-406A GPS module from U.S. Globalsat,